10 April 2011

memories, flashback, tears and laugh

so today in the morning my mother was busy cleaning up the bookshelf. and she found this:

now that's my old document keeper when i'm in my third year of junior high school.
and wow, dude, the power of memories. once i touched this thing, flashback came. and wow... that's super hurt. i remember all this time dude. we came every saturday to have this thing called "pengayaan" to help us for our National Exam. if i'm not mistaken, Saturday is for Biology and Indonesian. the teacher of Biology is ALWAYS late. haha I remember ALWAYS coming early and just sat in front of the office, waiting for my pals to come.
i also remember the Chemistry lesson. it's always so hilarious. it's like the same questions over and over and over and over again. and the real funny thing is: i always got false at the same question over and over and over again. and i remember i'm laughing in the back with Belin because of our hilarious teacher.

this paper, i really REALLY love it.

it's awesome.
and there's this another one:

i remember that was the time when we're still in our old classroom, and i'm sitting next to Nadia. she wrote that :*

and then i realized one thing:

dude, we need to get pass those crap to be a senior high school student. dude, that's harsh.

and so, here's some random pics:



Mahendrati Nadia said...

WOOOOOOOOOOW! sejarah kita ren wkwk dan gue lupa kalo gue pernah nulis itu di buku lo.......

RA said...

wuhuuuu ireneee! jadi kangen pengayaan! apalagi pengayaan mat, mak kar yang ngajar, ngegangguin anak kesayangan nya dia valentino irfana, sibuk nyari jawabannya laaaah! huaaaa kangen

Irene Debora said...

@nadia: yup nad. demi apa gw jg lupa wkwkwkwk. betewe tulisan lo awesome, seperti biasa.
@mamake: maaaaaaaaaaaak!!! iya mak T_T aku dah lama doh ga nengok mak kar. iya ra, pengayaan b.i yg selalu membosankan. elemek, aku baru tau ko ada blog mak ._.

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